Blue Streak

Friday, August 12, 2005


[From Fast Company]
In an effort to nurture new businesses, IBM's putting its best and brightest in charge of risky start-ups. India is one such EBO (Emerging Business Opportunity).

[From the Intranet]
Why India (and the other BRIC countires too) are important for IBM:

1) Large, educated, tech-savvy population.
2) Outnumber the number of science and engineering gradutates from the G4 (6MM vs. 4MM).
3) Governments here support open-standards technology such as Linux.
4) Skills in Technology manufacturing, IT and ITeS.
5) Their world-class industry solutions are sold around the world (eg. Flexcube).

Growth rates here vis-a-vis world average:

1) Systems - 7x
2) Software - 3x
3) Services - 2x


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