Massive investments in India
[NY Times] I.B.M. Will Triple Investment in India in Next 3 Years.
[NY Times] India Becoming a Crucial Cog in the Machine at I.B.M.
[BusinessWeek] Big Blue Shift -- IBM is reorganizing its global workforce to lower costs without skimping on service.
[BusinessWeek] IBM Wakes Up to India's Skills -- The computer company is ramping up operations with cutting-edge projects while using more low-cost, high-value local labor.
[NY Times] India Becoming a Crucial Cog in the Machine at I.B.M.
[BusinessWeek] Big Blue Shift -- IBM is reorganizing its global workforce to lower costs without skimping on service.
[BusinessWeek] IBM Wakes Up to India's Skills -- The computer company is ramping up operations with cutting-edge projects while using more low-cost, high-value local labor.